The United Schutzhund Clubs of America is transitioning to AWDF approved scorebooks (which have the AWDF logo and the appropriate breed club logo). The scorebooks are now being issued by the USA Office and have the AWDF and USA logos on them. The price for the new scorebooks will remain at $10.
The new AWDF-approved scorebook will be required for entry in the AWDF Championship beginning in 2009. This requirement applies exclusively to the AWDF Championship. Those entering the 2009 AWDF Championship will not be charged the $10 fee for the new scorebook when their application for the new scorebook is accompanied by a paid entry into the AWDF Championship. Those wishing to represent USA with their German Shepherd Dog at the 2009 AWDF Championship must be sure that their event entry form and scorebook application are received at the USA Office no later than April 25, 2009.
Lyle Roetemeyer