Introductory Statement

O.G. Bierstadt Schutzhund Club is a dedicated group of dog sport enthusiasts who meet weekly in Campbellsport WI. We host at least one trial each year and our members regularly trial at Regional, National and International competitions.

Please take a moment to LIKE US ON FACEBOOK to get updates on all the latest club news and trial details, including photos!
Interested in stopping by some Sunday to check us out for yourself?
You will find the directions to our Training grounds in the right column, below.

O.G.Bierstadt Annual Meeting - Sunday January 26, 2014

Reminder for O.G.Bierstadt Schutzhund Club Members: the OG Bierstadt 2014 Annual Meeting will be held at Gordy Esselman's on Sunday January 26, 2014, at noon. This is the Sunday between the end of the NFC/AFC Football Championship Finals and Superbowl Sunday. 

This is what to expect starting at Noon:
1) Arrive, drop off your dish-to-pass in the kitchen.
2) Pay your membership dues for 2014.
3) Help yourself to a beverage, and settle into a comfortable seat in the Gazebo for the Meeting.
4) Gordy will convene the meeting when all members have arrived and all dues are collected.
5) The first order of business will be the Annual Election of Club Officers.
6) When the Election is concluded, the Meeting will return to the regular order of business.
7) When business is concluded and the meeting adjourned, the Buffet Feast will commence!

Be sure to come prepared to pay your membership dues for 2014. Members must be paid and in good standing for 2014 in order to run for office and to vote in the elections, so don't be surprised if we're tugging at you for your dues just minutes after you step out of your car!

Also, remember to bring a dish to pass to add to the Buffet Feast.  Snacks and casseroles, hot sandwiches, desserts, chips, and cheeses... we welcome your delicious contribution.  Additional beverages to share are also most welcomed.  As usual, contact any officer if you have questions! Looking forward to seeing everyone there!