Introductory Statement

O.G. Bierstadt Schutzhund Club is a dedicated group of dog sport enthusiasts who meet weekly in Campbellsport WI. We host at least one trial each year and our members regularly trial at Regional, National and International competitions.

Please take a moment to LIKE US ON FACEBOOK to get updates on all the latest club news and trial details, including photos!
Interested in stopping by some Sunday to check us out for yourself?
You will find the directions to our Training grounds in the right column, below.

O.G. Bierstadt Club Training Resumes Sunday 4/7/13

Please plan to join us on the field at Caden's Kennels on Sunday, 4/7/13 at 9am (as usual!) to kick off the 2013 OG Bierstadt Training season.

Gordy has reported that the snow is gone, and the field is in pretty good shape.  Of course, there are no guarantees regarding changeable weather, so be sure to be prepared for a variety of temperatures and footing.  

Reminders:  This is the first Sunday of April, so there will be a monthly membership meeting following Training.

Our club Trial is coming up VERY fast, June 8-9, 2013.  Have you marked your calendar?